Property Management  T’s & C’s


Kindly read and understand the following Terms and Conditions which apply to and regulate your subscription for ShelterPro’s Property Management solution product.

Submission of forms on this website means that you have digitally signed such forms and consequently, they become legally binding. Where necessary, you may be required to provide vital information whenever you subscribe to any of our products and services. Such information may include your date of birth, place of work and designation, These information, where necessary, will be obtained for verification purposes only.

1)    Registration

You will be required to complete and submit the Property Management Form , and provide the required documents.

2)    Pre-Management Assessment and Inspection of Property

Prior to assuming management of a property, ShelterPro shall carry out assessment and inspection on the property to ascertain its habitable status. Where necessary, the property owner may be advised to undertake major or minor repairs or renovations on such property to make it most tenantable.

3)    Property Repairs and Renovations

The property owner shall be responsible for repairs and renovations of properties. Provided that under agreed circumstances, ShelterPro may undertake such repairs and renovations and the property owner shall reimburse ShelterPro the cost of such repair or renovation within 3 working days of submission of invoice.

4)    Rent Renewal by Tenants

We shall use all reasonable, professional and legal means to ensure the prompt renewal of rents by your tenants. This will include sending reminders, holding meetings, and, where necessary, exploring the legal process.   In the case of outstanding rents owed by tenants prior to ShelterPro assuming management of the property, we shall do our best to recover such rents; however, success of such recovery shall not be used as a basis for assessing ShelterPro’s efficiency.

5)    Rent Collection, Deduction of Management Fee and Remittance

All rents shall be collected by ShelterPro (unless otherwise advised by property owner). Such collected rents are paid into designated bank account. After deduction of agreed ShelterPro’s 10% management fee, the balance shall be remitted into the property owner’s bank account.

6)    Quarterly Property Management Report

ShelterPro shall submit a quarterly Property Management Report (PMR) to the property owner. The report shall contain such information as:

–          Rent payment status of tenants.

–          Date of ShelterPro officials’ last visit to property, and observations.

–          Areas in need of repairs or renovations.

–          Any other relevant information

7)    Affixing of Emblem

ShelterPro shall affix its moderate-sized emblem on a conspicuous position on the property. Inscription on the emblem shall be:

This Property is managed by Shelter Professionals Ltd (ShelterPro).

8)    Eviction of Tenants, Where Necessary

ShelterPro shall be at liberty to serve eviction notices, and actually evict tenants where, in its best judgment, such tenants deserve to be evicted from such properties. Cost of litigation for such eviction shall be borne by ShelterPro, provided that cost of processing and execution of judgment for eviction of such tenant shall be borne by the property owner.

9)    Property Title Documentation

ShelterPro shall advise, and where agreeable, undertake the processing of title documentation for a property owner. The property owner shall bear the cost of such processing of documentation.

10) Sale of Property

Where the owner of a property under the management of ShelterPro intends to sell such property, ShelterPro shall have the right of first refusal to handle the marketing and sale of such property and shall earn the agreed brokerage fee on such sale.


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Phone Number

+234 703 999 9985

Business Hours

8 am to 6 pm
Monday to Friday


Gobi Villa
Egbeda Lagos, Nigeria.

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